ALERT! Dr. Francis Boyle – New Bioweapons, Complete WHO Takeover, Dissidents Imprisoned
Faith To Last a Lifetime
Frances Taylor
There is nothing more lovely to see than a child reaching up to his/her parent in love and trust. It is to such as these that Jesus tells us we must be. Children have faith that they will be cared for by those who love them. When we were children, we didn't really have any problems believing that God loves us, but as we grow older, we seem to become jaded by a world that lets us down, and so we can easily believe that God will do likewise. The early Christians knew what it meant to be church. They met in homes, gathered to share their memories of Jesus, or the stories they had heard, reading letters from Paul or other disciples and sharing a meal. On the Sabbath they would go to the temple to pray – until it became impossible. As time went by the spreading of the Good News was left to professionals. Today things must change if we want our children to know of God's love for them. The emphasis now is on our role to reach out to others, ...
Morning Prayer
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
What are your thoughts focusing on today? Stress at work, a relationship, maybe a friend? Try to set your mind on the grace that God will give you when you meet Him in Heaven. We should eagerly await getting to see Jesus face to face. How might your actions and focus in a day change if you are focusing on honoring God before you die and see Him in heaven – or before He comes in the clouds? Focus on things above, not on things of this earth, and you will see a difference in your days.
Father God, help me to focus on Jesus' coming and on meeting Him instead of on my earthly troubles. Set my mind on You instead of the silly things I focus on. Help me to think of You every day and to pray all the time. I want to honor You with my days and live each day as though it were my last. Focus my ...
Night Prayer
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Sometimes we compare ourselves to others to make ourselves feel better. We reason that as long as we’re not as bad as murderers, thieves, and child abusers, we’re basically ok. But God reminds us that all of us are a complete mess, subject to ruin, without His grace. Instead of looking to others to feel righteous, we must look to God to be made righteous.
Lord, I come before You acknowledging that I am a sinner in need of redemption. The truth of Your righteousness reveals how unclean I am. But I desire to be made clean, and I know that only You can do that for me. So, Lord, I ask that wash away the filthy rags of my unrighteousness and clothe me in the new garments by Your grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.