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Daily Prayer and Devotion 24-1-2025


Leprosy was and is a terrible condition. In ancient times a person with any open sore was suspected of having leprosy and had to remain outside the camp – trying to survive as best he or she could, avoiding other people. In order to be able to rejoin the community, a person whose sores had healed needed to show him/herself to the priest as proof of the healing. After Jesus heals the leper he tells him to go show himself to the priest so that he may be able to rejoin the community. He also tells him not to tell others how he was healed – an impossible task for the man who can't wait to spread the news St. Paul tells us that everything he does is for the spread of the gospel and for the glory of God – not himself. Here is where he is imitating Jesus, by giving credit to the Father. It can be easy for someone who has been gifted by God with beauty, intelligence, success, educational opportunities, wealth, athletic ability, etc. to take credit for his or her achievements. ...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 24-1-2025

Morning Prayer 

Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the LORD. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.


Jeremiah brought this timely Word from the Lord to Israel, rebuking them for abandoning the worship of the true God in order to follow after the false gods of the heathen nations around them. Jehovah was the fountain of living water, and the idols of the nations were like broken cisterns that would quickly run dry and prove utterly useless.


You, Lord, are the only true God and your Word is the foundation of all true religion. We see the world around us enamored of diversity, even when that means accepting falsehood as equal with truth. But your children will ever hold to your Word as the one infallible source of truth and "hate every false way. " (Psalm 119:104) Amen.

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