Action 2 Victory
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Tulsi 🤥 Gabbard: "The Danger of the WEF

Tulsi 🤥 Gabbard: "The Danger of the WEF Is That They Are Trying to Set the Rules for the World and Build Some Kind of Utopian Future, Undermining Our Voices and Our Sovereignty."

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Haiti to the polls.

They wouldn't do that . . . would they???

Ha. You better believe it!!!

Protect the little ones.
Dr Robert Malon

THIS is the video that got mRNA gene-therapy inventor Dr Robert Malone, banned from Twiitter several days ago.

So you ABSOLUTELY KNOW that what he‘s saying is right over the target.

Watch whole interview 👈

Daily Prayer and Devotion 2-1-2025

Speak Lord, Your Servant Is Listening
Frances Taylor

The Lord called, "Samuel, Samuel." Samuel didn't recognize the Lord's voice. Now, imagine the Lord calling your name. Would you recognize his voice? I'm sure I have missed it many times in my life. Samuel needed Eli to help him understand what was happening and once he understood, he immediately said yes. In order to hear and understand the Lord's call to us, some things are necessary. First, we need some quiet in our lives. The world is full of noise. Some of this noise is unavoidable – traffic, construction, machinery, etc. – but much of it we inflict upon ourselves. How much time do we spend listening to the radio, the television, video games, idle chatter? In order to hear the Lord, we need to turn away from the noise and turn toward the Word of God. Samuel also needed the help of Eli, a man who had been listening to God's voice for many years and had served the Lord as a priest. Although he was old and had not always...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 2-1-2025

Morning Prayer 

I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.


One of the most important things we should learn, as Christians, is to be content. We will face periods in our lives where we will have plenty and we will face times of lack. Neither situations reflect on God's character. God's character is revealed in our endurance and our contentment because of our trust in Him. Don't be moved by your situations. Be content in God. He has all your needs covered.


Dear God, I thank you that you are the source of my strength in every situation I go through. I know I can endure anything because Christ is my strength. May I never forget this, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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Night Prayer 1-1-2025

Night Prayer 

And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.


Most, if not all of us, at some point have the privilege of sharing the gospel with somebody. As pastors, teachers, youth leaders, or even friends and parents, we have opportunities to proclaim the good news of Jesus. But there comes a point where the work of the Holy Spirit takes over, and that is when we need to get out of the way, pray for those we’ve witnessed to, and trust that God will reveal Himself and draw the other person into His saving grace.


Lord, thank You for using me to share the good news of salvation with others. I ask that You continue to speak to them and nurture them. May Your grace be fully revealed to those who are lost, and may Your Spirit build up those who know You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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