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This is the true face of Judaism.

This is what the Jews are doing to kidnapped Palestinian civilians. Their wrists are bound, their eyes are taped shut, they are pushed into a pit of tyres and shot.
The tyres are then set alight.
Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
This is the true face of Judaism.

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Flag Day Contest

 Put this on your calendar:
#FlagDay2024 #CountdowntoChaos #GodBlessAmerica


Can you believe there are still people who deny this is happening?

I guess they refuse to do any research and prefer willful ignorance.


Disgusting Democrat Propaganda.

Biden Is Done, He's Already Being Replaced! This Was The Deep State Plan All Along!

Daily Prayer and Devotion 29-6-2024

The birth of our Lord
David Jacobs 

At first glance, these verses may seem a bit disjointed and lead to some questions: Why are we told about the Roman tax laws right before learning about the birth of Christ? How would that be possible considering that Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth and not Bethlehem?
Prophets had stated for centuries that a virgin would give birth to the Messiah in Bethlehem. God shows that he has dominion over even non-believers. Caesar Augustus orders a royal decree changing the tax situation forcing people to return to their homelands to pay taxes. Through divine intervention, God asserts his power even over a head of the most powerful nation on Earth, over the most powerful man on Earth, Caesar. As a result of this sudden decree, you can probably figure out where Joseph and Mary are forced to return: Bethlehem. What may seem out of place becomes a clear message: God rules the entire world and everyone in it.
The final verses we may have heard at some ...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 29-6-2024

Morning Prayer 

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.


Why? is often the first thought, sometimes unconsciously, that comes to mind when something doesn't go the way we desire. We're wired to want to understand the reasons things happen, and that can be a good thing, helping us to cope or improve or even protect ourselves. However, the reality is that sometimes we just won't be able to understand why God permits some things to happen. But we can be sure that even when the ways of men complicate life, God is steadfast, trustworthy, and always ready to love and lead us when we don't see the way forward. Truth.


Lord, I really would like to learn from my present situation, to understand why things are the way they are today. Would You please help me to grow through this situation instead of becoming bitter or confused? I do believe that You take pleasure in leading me, so please show me the way forward. In Jesus’ ...

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