Action 2 Victory
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Night Prayer 26-5-2024

Night Prayer 

For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


Sometimes it’s too easy to let our own needs and wants consume our prayer time. But we as Christians are an interconnected global community, and God calls us to intercede for each other. Let us still our minds and lift up the people that God places on our hearts, whether it is the stressed single mother from the local church or our persecuted brothers half a world away. Who is God inviting you to remember in prayer today?


Father, I thank You for responding faithfully to all of my needs. Help me to turn my heart to others, near and far, who are equally loved by You. I pray Your peace over war-torn nations, Your provision over the impoverished, Your perseverance over the persecuted, and Your comfort over the grieving. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Flag Day Contest

 Put this on your calendar:
#FlagDay2024 #CountdowntoChaos #GodBlessAmerica


Can you believe there are still people who deny this is happening?

I guess they refuse to do any research and prefer willful ignorance.


Disgusting Democrat Propaganda.

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Night Prayer 17-6-2024

Night Prayer 

I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.


We have been saved by grace. Yet how often do we try to keep up our salvation with our own rules and agendas? It is right that we honor God by surrendering to Him in obedience. But as we do, we must never lose sight of the cross, and of the truth that grace is the only reason that we may walk with God in the first place.


Lord, thank You for the grace that You poured out for me on the cross. You have freed me from the burdens of sin and guilt. Help me to walk in Your grace, not by my own measure. Give me the humility to know that my freedom is found only in You so that Your grace may sustain me and I may never lose sight of Your love and mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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