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Daily Prayer and Devotion 26-6-2024

Mary’s big surprise
David Jacobs

For with God nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37) How lucky we are to know the Lord? In turbulent times it can be easy to forget just how lucky we are. Put yourself in Mary's shoes: she is a virgin, in a relationship with Joseph, and is pregnant...not the ideal circumstances to say the least! What can she say to Joseph? Why would he believe her? How is it possible that she is pregnant? What is she going to do? Luckily for us, Mary and Joseph had the courage to follow God's plan. If God spoke to us today, would we also have this strength?

Think about a challenge in your own life: why do you view it as a challenge and not a gift? I am reminded of a story that I read in the book Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl: a young woman has children, the youngest a boy that is unable to walk. In a group therapy session, she bemoans her plight in life, wondering why God has done this to her and her child. Another woman in the group, single and without children, is asked to imagine her life as an old woman. The woman says she would consider her life a failure because she has no family of her own. Upon hearing this, the woman with the paralyzed child changed her mindset, realizing that she wanted to have children and that she loved her son and he loved her. Just from hearing one story from another person, she was able to change her perception from a burden to a blessing. Mary and Joseph did the same, and we should do all that we can to follow their example.


Holy Shepard and Heavenly Father, I pray that you help me to set my mind at ease as you did with Mary and Joseph. Help me to open my heart and realize that every person, relationship, and moment is a blessing. Lord, I ask that you fortify my soul for your doing and recognize your call when you come. Amen.

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Night Prayer 28-9-2024

Night Prayer 

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.


God asks Job if he knew how the foundation of the earth formed. Of course, the answer is no. Even if explained to us, we would be incapable of understanding; our limited minds are humble. We will never fully understand the wisdom or power of God when it comes to the plan He has for our life. Instead, we place our faith in our Creator. He loves us, and we trust that His plans for us are always to our benefit.


Dear God, we are humbled by the power of Your hand, and we lift our voices in praise for the love you unconditionally bestow upon us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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