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Flag Day Contest

 Put this on your calendar:
#FlagDay2024 #CountdowntoChaos #GodBlessAmerica


Can you believe there are still people who deny this is happening?

I guess they refuse to do any research and prefer willful ignorance.


Disgusting Democrat Propaganda.
Daily Prayer and Devotion 30-6-2024

Joy to the world
David Jacobs 

I often wonder what it would be like if God appeared to me. "Surely I would be excited," I think to myself. Excited is probably true, but I think terrified would also be true. For those of us with jobs, imagine being at your job, perhaps at your desk, in a car, or doing something that you do often with your time. Suddenly, God appears! Even the most devout Christians amongst us would be fearful at first! The same is true for the shepherds in these verses, and it makes us wonder why God chose to appear to shepherds when He could have appeared to anyone.

Consider the story of the birth of Jesus: his parents, the location, the time. Christ had the most humble of beginnings. It was a choice by God so that everyone could identify with the story. He chooses to appear to shepherds for the same reason: anyone can put themselves in the shepherds' situation and understand it. Also, if God had appeared to a king or someone powerful, the message would have ...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 30-6-2024

Morning Prayer 

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?


Though we're all aware of the potentially positive aspects of education, of work, and of being proactive, with these words Jesus does two things: He reminds us of how important we are to God, and He invites us to acquire a different perspective of our work.  He's not saying to stop working, but He is literally saying that if we think our job success is fundamentally equivalent to securing the payment of our bills each month, then we have the 'cart before the horse'. Our job is not synonymous with security, nor does it prove God's love. God’s promise to provide for us does! Truth.


Lord, it must sadden You to see us sometimes trust more in our education and employment than we do in You. I am trying to understand the balance between my responsibility and Your provision. Give me ...

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Night Prayer 29-6-2024

Night Prayer 

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.


Nowadays, the last part of this verse is so popular that we interpret it as since God is with me, then all things are possible for me. Actually, God does not guarantee that we will succeed in every venture. Humanity is completely unable to achieve salvation through personal effort—only God can save, because of God’s omnipotence—his absolute power to what he pleases.


Lord, I thank you for your mighty power, I thank you because your power is unlimited, and there is nothing impossible for you to do, it is by your power that I’m alive today. I rest on this power today, please let your power provide solutions to all my difficulties. Everything that I have been finding impossible to accomplish, by your power that knows no impossibility. Help me to accomplish them.  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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