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Biden Is Done, He's Already Being Replaced! This Was The Deep State Plan All Along!

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Flag Day Contest

 Put this on your calendar:
#FlagDay2024 #CountdowntoChaos #GodBlessAmerica


Can you believe there are still people who deny this is happening?

I guess they refuse to do any research and prefer willful ignorance.


Disgusting Democrat Propaganda.
Daily Prayer and Devotion 1-7-2024

Away in a manger
David Jacobs 

It is not easy to always know which way God's path is heading. Sometimes we may feel as though we are lost; sometimes we might need a little push in the right direction; sometimes we might be blazing our own trail. In these verses, the shepherds and Mary could not fully grasp or understand what God had in store for them at this time. It would seem impossible that they could comprehend the gravity of the situation and react accordingly. Their actions in these verses, however, also indicate that they have been touched by God and understand His majesty and power, wanting to spread it to anyone that will listen.

Think of Mary and the shepherds as examples to aspire to: how do we spread the message of Christ to others in our lives? It is true that God and angels intervened in their situations, but have we not been touched by God in our own lives? You may have heard the phrase "pay it forward." A positive story shared with friends can have a profound ...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 1-7-2024

Morning Prayer 

Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me.


We cry out to the Lord when we are troubled. We ask for guidance, help, and protection because we know He is always listening. God comforts our anxious spirits and calms the brewing storm within our hearts; We can always count on our Heavenly Father to be present and prepared to help us fight any battle we encounter. God has been our refuge since the beginning; He will remain our rock of salvation until the end.


Dear God, we are thankful for Your presence in our lives. We know we can always call out to You in times of trouble. You are always present and prepared to help us when we need You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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