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Daily Prayer and Devotion 1-7-2024

Away in a manger
David Jacobs 

It is not easy to always know which way God's path is heading. Sometimes we may feel as though we are lost; sometimes we might need a little push in the right direction; sometimes we might be blazing our own trail. In these verses, the shepherds and Mary could not fully grasp or understand what God had in store for them at this time. It would seem impossible that they could comprehend the gravity of the situation and react accordingly. Their actions in these verses, however, also indicate that they have been touched by God and understand His majesty and power, wanting to spread it to anyone that will listen.

Think of Mary and the shepherds as examples to aspire to: how do we spread the message of Christ to others in our lives? It is true that God and angels intervened in their situations, but have we not been touched by God in our own lives? You may have heard the phrase "pay it forward." A positive story shared with friends can have a profound effect on their life. They may, in turn, "pay it forward," sharing another positive story or deed with another person. The actions that day, away in a manger, have had an enormously positive effect on the entire world for thousands of years! The actions and words of Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds have helped generations live in a more positive and meaningful way. We should take all these things and ponder on them within our hearts, until their innate truth is revealed, until their prophecies are fulfilled before our very eyes. Then share it with all the world, hoping that they share their own truths as a result.


Lord God in Heaven, thy kingdom has come, on Earth as it is in Heaven. I pray to you that you may sharpen my mind and tongue, so that I may reflect and share the meditations of my heart, O Lord. I pray that the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, my strength and my redeemer. As the shepherds shared their story, help me to share mine, so that we may help others to see your truths. I pray all this in your holy name, Amen.

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Can you believe there are still people who deny this is happening?

I guess they refuse to do any research and prefer willful ignorance.


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Daily Prayer and Devotion 3-7-2024

Sticks and stones may break my bones....but words can also hurt me!
David Jacobs 

I remember my time in high school fondly: I was an active student with a bit of a wild side. Teachers often disagreed with my rebellious streak but put up with my behavior as long as I kept my grades up. One teacher, however, saw my rebellious side for what it truly was: a cry for help. She seemed to understand thoughts and anxieties that I had that I thought I concealed well considering nobody else seemed to notice them. I have her to thank for calming me down, because through conversations with her and her willingness to listen and offer me valid advice, I gained a mentor that I am today grateful for.

John the Baptist offered similar guidance to the masses. He had gained celebrity status, preaching to multitudes of people, crowds that were hungry for direction. He was more than willing to oblige, offering prophecies and advice that had scarcely been heard before. His preaching was viewed as a ...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 3-7-2024

Morning Prayer 

Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly.


God's heart breaks with us when we experience struggles in this life. He becomes disappointed and saddened when we get ourselves into trouble. We often find ourselves struggling, resulting from our inappropriate actions and choices. We feel regret, remorse, and helplessness. We ask God for guidance during these times because He is the only one who loves us and has the power to help us overcome our struggles. He is our refuge and looks upon us with mercy and grace. His love never fails.


Dear Lord, we have faith in Your unfailing love. Thank You for showing kindness and mercy when we struggle due to misguided choices. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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