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Daily Prayer and Devotion 2-7-2024

Do you feel special?
David Jacobs 

What a tremendous gift we have all been given! God almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to live amongst us, from the humblest of beginnings, so that He could understand us: to live, breathe, speak, see, touch, and die like us! How often do you consider this? In these verses, Simeon, a righteous and devout man, was worshipping in the temple. Simeon could not have been aware of the birth of Christ; Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple and the Holy Spirit had already visited it. Upon seeing the baby boy, Simeon immediately realizes what he is witnessing: humanity's salvation.

Simeon did not know about this before – how could he? In that moment, however, he knew that he was special. He knew that what he was witnessing was a miracle, one that would change the entire world. He was chosen by the Holy Spirit because he was a good man; he was chosen because God knew he would understand; he was chosen because he was special. Remember this my brothers and sisters: we are all special! We too, have been chosen! We must do as Simeon did: live devoutly, be ready to bring light to the world, and be brave enough to follow through. Simeon brought light into the world by saying that Jesus would bring light to the world. My friends, what do we bring?


Loving God, bringer of light, I long to sing your praises! Every moment that I am alive is a blessing, a gift from you, and I pray that you will assist me to work tirelessly bringing light to the world. I thank you, my God, for the examples of our ancestors. Praise them for passing down your word. Lead us to the promised land, where every citizen shall know thy name and glory! For here as it is in Heaven, forever and ever, Amen.

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 4-7-2024

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
David Jacobs 

The Statue of Liberty in New York City is (or at least was) emblematic of the American spirit: caring, welcoming, and free. The title of this devotional is the inscription on the statue, written to welcome the new immigrants to the United States of America at the early part of the 20th century.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

America truly opened its doors at the time welcoming people from any country, of any creed or religion, and under most circumstances. The USA wanted the meek and lowly, offering them a chance at a better life, together.

Take a look at the verses here and consider your own life: do you feel tired? Overworked? Hopeless? Brothers and sisters, there is hope! Life may drag us down more than we like to remember, and so often we may stumble through our days tired, worn, and heavy. Turn to the Lord: His word, His truth and His ...

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