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Daily Prayer and Devotion 3-7-2024

Sticks and stones may break my bones....but words can also hurt me!
David Jacobs 

I remember my time in high school fondly: I was an active student with a bit of a wild side. Teachers often disagreed with my rebellious streak but put up with my behavior as long as I kept my grades up. One teacher, however, saw my rebellious side for what it truly was: a cry for help. She seemed to understand thoughts and anxieties that I had that I thought I concealed well considering nobody else seemed to notice them. I have her to thank for calming me down, because through conversations with her and her willingness to listen and offer me valid advice, I gained a mentor that I am today grateful for.

John the Baptist offered similar guidance to the masses. He had gained celebrity status, preaching to multitudes of people, crowds that were hungry for direction. He was more than willing to oblige, offering prophecies and advice that had scarcely been heard before. His preaching was viewed as a threat by those in power, eventually costing him his life (Matthew 14:1-12). It was not just the lowly and meek that sought his council and thirsted for his preaching; in these verses, government officials, tax collectors, and soldiers were among the multitudes clamoring to hear his voice. Like my teacher did to me, John was not afraid to speak harshly towards the masses, ridiculing them, calling them a "generation of vipers." This harshness is often what needs to be said but is hard to hear. Without John's preaching, the world would have not been fully prepared to hear and interpret the message of Christ shortly thereafter.


Have you fell out of touch with someone because of criticisms that you or they said to each other? Think back about what was said: what was the reason behind it? Were you or they trying to truly help? Be the bigger person in these situations and try to truly listen to the criticism. You often end up improving as a result.

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Night Prayer 4-7-2024

Night Prayer 

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.


When we set the Lord before us, He is always in focus. The path of righteousness is narrow, and temptations of this world causes us to wander. We will maintain our focus by studying Scripture and spending quiet time with the Lord in prayer. Our studies keep us well versed in the truth and our ongoing prayer life restores our faith.


Heavenly Father, we come to You with the desire to remain focused. Please guide us as we study scripture and spend quiet time in prayer with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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