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Daily Prayer and Devotion 8-7-2024

Love one another as Christ has loved you
David Jacobs 

I love my children more than I love myself. I have thought about whether or not I love my children unconditionally: what if they intentionally tried to destroy my wife, themselves, or me? I hope that I would be able to continue loving them, but I am not sure. Christ sets a very high benchmark for us: to love each other as he loved us. Certainly easier said than done! Compared to the other commandments, perhaps the most difficult as well.

Ponder the original Ten Commandments and what do you think of? When I think about them I think about things that I am not supposed to do: murder, steal, commit adultery, use the Lord's name in vain. They are in a sense, prohibitive. Now read the verses above: John illustrates, loving ones brothers and sisters is a new commandment. What's more, it's imperative, telling us what we need to do. How amazing would the world be if we loved one another as God loves us! Think about the other commandments if we followed this new commandment in the book of John: many of the other commandments would be unthinkable, impossible to even consider! Nobody would covet, steal, or murder. In a way, this new commandment encapsulates all of the others. Is it a lofty goal? Of course. Is it something that we should all strive for with all of our being? You know the answer.


My guiding light, my Shepherd! Lord, please hear my prayer! By your grace I implore you to help me love those around me: my neighbors, family, and even enemies. I ask that you help me to open my heart to them, just as you and your son, Jesus Christ, have done to me. It is all that I long for with all that I am. In your name I pray, Amen.

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Night Prayer 6-10-2024

Night Prayer 

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.


Nature is a beautiful gift from God; the leaves change during each season just as our faith in the Lord matures throughout our life. Looking back, we see how our relationship with God has strengthened due to troubling storms and droughts. We’ve lost friends, jobs, or loved ones. We’ve experienced financial burden, grief, and bruised egos. Through it all, God has remained present and provided a refuge for our broken hearts. Because of His faithfulness, we have joy and peace; we begin to see the world through His eyes.


Dear God, thank you for Your presence during each season of life. We lift our voices in praise to You for Your love and faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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