This is Our Kahlooni Family Secret and my open Love Letter dedicated to my life long Love and Spouse Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni - Eternally
Night Prayer
Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
Anyone who has tried to live a perfect life knows that it cannot be done. But if following the law can’t save us, what purpose does the law even serve? The law opens our eyes to our need for a savior. Even those of us who live a good, crime-free life see our imperfection when illuminated by God’s perfect law. And this light opens our eyes to see the grace that does for us what the law cannot.
Father, Your law is perfect, and I confess that I have not measured up to Your righteousness. You have shown me the reality of my own sin. And I thank You that You have made a way for me to be justified despite my sin, by sending Jesus to give me the righteousness that I could not achieve on my own. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Who has the Right
Frances Taylor
We know that there can be debates as to which denominational – or non-denominational – church is the one that is "correct." In a way, Jesus answers this question. No one can do mighty works in his name and be against him. Now he presumes that these men and women are acting in good faith and not trying to win power for themselves. We may differ on how we worship, or even the necessity of organized worship, but if we are intentionally following Christ, who's to say that we are somehow less worthy of leading people to faith in Jesus. Some of the best discussions I have had are with people whose denomination is different from my own. I have also been allowed to preach in churches of different denominations, and have invited others into my church to preach. Just as God has given each of us different gifts, I believe that we need to listen to others in order to appreciate the wealth of knowledge that God has revealed to those who believe. Sometimes ...
Morning Prayer
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.
Paul and Silas were in a very discouraging situation – they had been arrested, beaten and placed in prison for doing nothing wrong. Anyone else in that given situation would have been in tears, discouraged by their circumstances. Paul and Silas chose to pray and sing hymns to God. This account ends with them miraculously escaping jail. Prayer can also help us in times of despair; it can open doors for the miraculous to occur. When we resort to praying, we are going over our emotions and setting our minds to God's faithfulness instead. That, in itself, is defeating the plan of the enemy, who was only interested in keeping you down.
Dear God, I thank you for your faithfulness and the blessed assurance I have in you, that I am in Christ and He is in me. Father, I thank you that there is no situation that is bigger than you. Lord, I pray that in any time I ...