Only fools rush in
David Jacobs
If you use computers or Apple products at all, you have all signed the "Terms and Conditions" of software and probably not read a single word of it. I know that I have. We usually just check the box stating that we agree without ever considering what the updated terms and conditions states. These updates are usually fine, but what about the scam emails that many people also receive? These emails usually offer millions of dollars to you, but in order to unlock the funds we must send a small amount of money first. Few people fall for these scams nowadays, but it is only because so many people fell for them before. We have learned to discern what is and is not a scheme, considering all options before we sign the dotted line.
In these verses, we discover some of the major differences between Esau and Jacob. Esau was a cunning hunter, loved by his father, Isaac, and Jacob a more sensitive farmer, loved by his mother, Rebekah. Esau was the elder twin, so he inherited the birthright, which in those times meant he basically inherited all of his father's fortune. Being second in his father's eyes became a bit of an obsession of Jacob, and being first made Esau flippant with his birthright, not considering it nearly as important as Jacob did as evidenced by these verses. Esau swears his birthright to Jacob for a meal, an outrageous exchange that sounds familiar today: "I am so hungry I could eat a horse" and "I would die for a hamburger right now" are phrases we might hear in modern society, hyperbolic statements that nobody would take seriously. Esau, exhausted and famished, seems to make such a statement, and Jacob takes it seriously.
Like checking the box on the terms and conditions, Esau did not fully think before he spoke, and it cost him in more ways than one: he spurned his birthright, forfeiting his inheritance for a meal, and he dishonored his family name. Consider these verses the next time you agree to something. Being patient may make a difference.
Give Good Example
Frances Taylor
If we ever needed a reminder of how important it is to practice what we preach, this is it. Not only are we encouraged to help others, but we are also warned about giving bad example or leading others, particularly children, away from the Lord.
I have spoken to many people who say that they became a Christian because of the example of people in their family, friends or strangers whose joy is so great they want a part of it. I also know people who have turned away from the faith they once had because they consider those who proclaim themselves to be Christian are hypocrites. Most people don't start out wanting to be Christians because of doctrine. They are influenced one way or another by people. Are you someone whose life exhibits the joy of knowing Jesus and his saving power? Am I? Do your actions give testimony to your beliefs? A person can go to church each week, Bible classes during the week and give every impression of being a devout follower of ...
Morning Prayer
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
There is nothing at all – nothing on the earth and nothing in the spiritual realms – that can separate us from the love of Christ. No matter what any person or principality tries to do in our lives, they will never be able to quash the love Christ has for us. The love God has for us is eternal – it is here to stay for good.
Dear God, I thank you for the love that you have for me. Thank you, Lord, that this love will never leave me and it will never forsake me. No matter what anyone tries, or whatever may come my way, Lord, I thank you that your love will always be with me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Night Prayer
I will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.
As Christians, we know that we find peace in God. And today, we’re reminded that He promises peace to His people. But we have to do our part, which is listening. It’s when we turn away from wisdom and pursue foolish and selfish endeavors that peace eludes us. But when we turn our ears to His wisdom, He leads us on the path to peace.
God, in You I have received peace that passes understanding. Speak Your wisdom to me, and teach me to not be distracted by my own foolish ambitions. Give me ears to hear You so that I may remain close to You and move in Your peace wherever I go. In Jesus’ name, amen.