The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest
Episode 3: Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow
Try Not To Judge
Frances Taylor
Would you choose to go to a doctor that you were friends with in High School? Or you had as a student if you were a teacher? Sometimes we question the abilities of people we know too well. I remember when one of my students joined the police force and I thought about all the trouble he caused! I know a priest whose friends couldn't believe he was "holy" enough. Well, today we read about the call of Levi, Matthew, the tax collector. Although Levi immediately answered the call to follow Jesus, there were a lot of raised eyebrows! Does Jesus know who he's eating with? Doesn't he know these people are sinners? Have you ever caught yourself judging the worthiness of others? I know I sometimes fail in that. But Jesus answers them by stating that he came to call sinners. Do we think that the churches should be filled with saints? Is that what we think we are? Lots of questions in this reflection but sometimes we need a wake-up call and the beginning of ...
Morning Prayer
These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.
Prayer was the bond that kept the apostles and the believers of the Early Church together. They spent much time praying in one another's houses – praying for strength and encouragement to remain steadfast in their faith in Christ. Prayer is the same bond that will keep families, marriages, and churches together. We cannot afford to take prayer for granted in our communal lives as believers.
Dear God, I thank you that we can access you in prayer at all times. Father I pray that I will never neglect the importance of prayer in my life. We know that it is through prayer we remain strengthened and we are able to refresh our union in you. May it remain this way, O Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.