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Daily Prayer and Devotion 9-9-2024

The Lord is God in Heaven above and in Earth beneath
David Jacobs 

I was nervously excited about my mission trip to Africa many years ago. I was unable to communicate with many of the people there, so I had to convey God's message through my actions more than with my words. I believe that education is the most effective way to positively affect anyone, so I shared what knowledge I had in various subjects with the villagers where I was stationed, including in the Bible. Having never heard these subjects, I was surprised to see the voracity with which my students devoured my lessons. They seemed unable to get enough. They thirsted for education and thirsted for the Lord without even knowing that God existed. It helped me realize my calling and I pledged to educate myself, and others, for as long as I lived.

In these verses, Joshua has sent two spies to Jericho. Upon arrival, they stayed with a prostitute named Rahab. The king of Jericho hears that the spies are living with Rahab and asks her to send the spies to him. She says that she does not know where they are, hiding them, and helping them escape in a basket that she lowered from the city's walls. She also makes the two spies promise an oath to her because she has heard the stories of the Israelites and of God.

Like the villagers in Africa, she knows about God before she has been taught anything, and makes the spies swear that they will show mercy on her and her family. We should also take an oath to be as enthusiastic and open as Rahab, willing to go against orders to do what you believe is right. Through education and a willingness to learn, we can spread the good news of the Lord.


My Lord and Shepherd, deliver me from the temptations that I face everyday. Help me to educate myself in your Holy Word, so that I may share your teachings with those that thirst for it. My heart has melted for you, Abba Father, for I know that you are the one and only God. I pray that I have the strength and the courage to share this knowledge with all people. Amen.

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 17-9-2024

Renaissance Man
David Jacobs 

Music touches me in a way that nothing else does. It has positively impacted my life in many ways, and one story in particular reminds me of these verses.

When I was in my 20s, a good friend of mine slipped and fell off a balcony and died. He was one of the best people I have ever known: kind, intelligent, and funny. Everyone that knew him was devastated. I heard the news as I was heading to the airport to go to Buenos Aires for vacation. I was crushed and didn't want to go, but my entire family was going so we headed to the airport. The vacation was difficult for a couple days; all of us were saddened by this news and weren't in the holiday spirit. One evening, we went to an opera house to hear a piano concert. The pianist was from Buenos Aires, and it was his first concert in his hometown in more than a decade. He played his heart out, giving everything he had for his country mates. My family, each of us, were all incredibly moved by this ...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 17-9-2024

Morning Prayer 

The king by judgment establisheth the land: but he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it.


When a king rules with fairness and justice, his kingdom will flourish. If the same king accepts gifts or bribes, his kingdom will fall. We've all observed a person in a leadership position who acted wrongfully. Perhaps a boss did not discipline employees fairly, or a political leader accepted kickbacks for legislation decisions. These corrupt actions lead to their demise. Scripture advises leaders to maintain justice with fair decision-making. As leaders, we must reflect on the mercy and grace God shows to us and lead others in the same fashion.


Dear Lord, thank you for coaching us in our leadership endeavors. We have faith in Your Words and will lead Your people accordingly. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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