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Daily Prayer and Devotion 10-9-2024

Yet he who has not sinned cast the first stone
David Jacobs 

As an American, I feel that the death penalty is a black mark on our society. State governments have the authority to kill people that have been found guilty of certain crimes. I do not believe that any human has the authority to kill another, especially considering the number of cases that have been overturned with DNA evidence in recent years. No matter the crime, I feel that the death penalty only breeds more death, evil, and violence and is not a successful deterrent for crime.

In Joshua's time, this may not have been the case. As we have read in other parts of the Old Testament, God appreciated obedience and even wanted His followers at the time to fear Him. If God's trust was taken advantage of, He could become vengeful, as is the case in these verses. God threatens to stop helping Joshua in the earlier part of chapter 7, unless Joshua finds and rightfully condemns the person or people that sinned. That person, Achan, plundered the bounties of a recent quest, hiding it in his camp. Joshua and the Israelites know that Achan must pay for doing this. God has commanded it and the others have not sinned in His eyes. Achan and his entire families were killed and his possession was deprived. Then God was no longer angry.

The major difference between these examples is that in today's society, state governments and all people have sinned. Joshua and other Israelites had not sinned in the eyes of God. God has the authority to make the decision on whether or not a person should live or die; humans do not. Love each other, go from sin, and leave the big decision to God.


Do you think that the death penalty is ever justified? We can see that God authorized the killing of Achan. Now consider the story of Jesus Christ: why were his persecutors not similarly judged.

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