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Daily Prayer and Devotion 19-9-2024

Lions, bears, and Goliath are no match
David Jacobs

No story in the Bible is more important to me than the story of David and Goliath. As a child, I would go to church with my parents and be forced to sit and listen to adults read the scriptures and give sermons that I could hardly focus on. I would take the Bible from the pew and read my favorite Old Testament passages: Moses calling down plagues on Egypt, Jonah and the whale, and most of all the story of a young King David. I would put myself in his shoes (or sandals) and think that I, too, could do anything if I believed it. If he, a young boy with the same name as me, can kill lions, bears, and Goliath, surely, I can do great things.

More important than the result of this battle to me is that David volunteered. He had no doubt what the outcome would be. His faith was so strong that he seemed to view the battle that nobody else wanted to fight was almost a foregone conclusion. It was not always easy for me to empathize with other characters in the Bible, but David was so human to me in many ways, but his confidence and faith in God never seemed to waver. His faith leads him to glory in his lifetime and his family to more glory than he could ever imagine. If he can do it, so can we!


Almighty Father, your Heavenly Kingdom awaits all that have faith in you. Strengthen my faith, O Lord, for I, like David, hope to be a shining example to all that know me, an example of how strong faith is rewarded during this life and the next. You are my alpha and omega, you have delivered me from my trials, and you will deliver me through the next. In your holy name, I pray, Amen.

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Night Prayer 19-9-2024

Night Prayer 

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;


Trials of life are numerous, and we must look upon them with joy. It’s challenging to remain joyful during burdensome seasons, but our hardships improve our walk with the Lord. When we experience loss, we become more appreciative of what we once had and see the blessings abounding in our lives. We benefit from hurting because it gives us the ability to empathize with those who experience the same struggle. Most importantly, trials allow us to place our trust in the Lord.


Dear God, we find it challenging to remain joyful in difficult seasons. We trust You because You only want good for us. Our faith will strengthen when we walk through storms together. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 19-9-2024

Morning Prayer 

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.


God places each of us in a position of authority at one time or another. We are parents, CEOs, managers, pastors, or teachers, to name a few. The setting makes no difference; God directs us to treat each position the same. We must be righteous, merciful, and fair. Good leaders observe the strengths of those they oversee and encourage them to use their abilities for God's plan.


Dear Lord, Please help us see the strengths in our students and those we oversee. Guide our words to encourage them as they put their abilities to use in Your plan. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Night Prayer 18-9-2024

Night Prayer 

For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.


We must give with an eager, genuine heart. We must not be resentful about providing our best to those in need. We provide for others by participating in acts of service or contributing finances and bare necessities. We consider it an honor to share our blessings with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Lord asks that we give with happy, humble hearts to demonstrate His love to the world.


Dear Lord, we are thankful for the blessings You have bestowed upon us to share with others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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