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Daily Prayer and Devotion 2-10-2024

An uneven split
David Jacobs

I used to run a discussion group with one of my best friends. This group would meet once a week and discuss various topics that were important to us, and the two of us gained a bit of notoriety due to the success of the group. My friend left for a while and I had to run the group on my own, and when he came back, I was so busy with other things that I was not as involved as I was previously. There were multiple occasions where we argued about who was more important to the group and who was "in charge" of the group. We decided to "agree to disagree" and didn't talk about the group dynamics anymore. The damage had been done, however, and our friendship and the group suffered as a result of our foolish pride.

King Solomon was known through all of Israel for his wisdom. This story is perhaps the best example of his wisdom at work, with two prostitutes coming to him claiming to be the mother of a child. Neither woman will back off of their claims, so Solomon asks for a sword to cut the child in two. One woman asks that Solomon not do this and instead gives the baby to the other woman. As a result, Solomon feels that she is the rightful mother or at the very least, cares about the child more than the other woman.

When I read this story I think about the useless bickering between my friend and I. If only we had Solomon there to mediate! All of us could use a wise mediator like Solomon from time to time. Better yet, all of us can become a wise mediator like Solomon! Through careful study of the word of God, diligent practice, and experience, we will know the best way to act in nearly any situation. As Christians, the "Golden Rule" is "Do to others what you would have them do unto you." (Matthew 7:12) In my opinion, a wiser commandment comes from the book of John: "Love each other as I have loved you." (John 15:12) If we approach any dispute from this angle, we will always come from a place of love, thinking of how the Lord and his son, Jesus Christ, would act.


Think of a dispute that you heard or were a part of. With John 15:12 in mind, do you think you would act wisely?

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 2-10-2024

Morning Prayer 

Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.


We are strong and have no fear of hardships that develop in our lives. Having faith in the Lord and His will allows us to have hope, and hope gives us the strength to power through our struggles. God will be present and save us! We may not understand His plan of action, and we usually become impatient with His timing, yet, we know His way is the best.


Dear God, we are fearless when hardships are on the horizon because we feel Your presence in our lives. Your love is everlasting, and we praise You for always looking out for us. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Night Prayer 1-10-2024

Night Prayer 

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.


How often do we take action to overcome our struggles without conversing with God? When our plan of action backfires, we become confused and frustrated. God thinks much differently than we do. He sees beyond what we see today and knows what the future holds. Our planned outcome may only lead to misery and sadness, whereas His plan leads to peace and happiness. Let us surrender our hearts entirely to God’s will and trust His plan for our future.


Dear Lord, we do not need to understand Your plan because You think about things we cannot comprehend. We trust You completely. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 1-10-2024

He has not failed one word of his great promises
David Jacobs

I have bounced around to several churches over the years, partially because I have changed locations and partially because my perception of the congregations changed. It is important to feel comfortable in the place that you worship and be surrounded by people that you are motivated by and can trust. It is more important that you are motivated by God and feel that you can trust in Him.

There is not much that needs to be said about these verses. I think that it is a beautiful prayer and is a good summation of what Solomon believes. Read these words and consider your own life and the community that you worship and share ideas with: do you/they walk in the ways of the Lord? Reflect on Solomon's message and give praise to God.


Blessed be the Lord and those that come in the name of the Lord! Caring God, you have not left my side and have forgiven me when I have left yours. In my darkest moments I have felt ...

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