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Daily Prayer and Devotion 6-10-2024

Oh Lord, my God, I pray thee!
David Jacobs

My uncle was in a very dark place recently: he was laid off from his job and right after this, he was diagnosed with an illness that required surgery. Being recently unemployed, he lacked insurance to pay for the surgery, which would cost far more than he could afford. He didn't know what to do, but he did not despair. He came to his family for support, and God provided. Within a few days, his family members had asked their friends, family, and churches for any help that they could give, and his surgery was paid for in full. Not long after his recovery, he was given a job by one of the people that had also donated for his surgery.

It is hard to remain confident and faithful to God when things are not going well in our lives. Why would God want us to suffer so much if he loves us? I ask all devotees of Christ this question: is not everyday that we are allowed to witness God's creation a blessing? There will be hardships, pain, suffering, and death, but has God not shown us the path to salvation?

In these verses, Elijah asks God the question I posit before: why would God let this boy suffer? Has God abandoned him? How quickly Elijah forgets the beginning of these verses, when he has no food to eat or water to drink and God tells him to go to Zarepath. How quickly he forgets that the widow is able to provide for herself, Elijah, and her son with so little food to begin with. God was with him the entire time, just as he was with my uncle the entire time. It is our perceptions that have changed, not God. He has given us more than we deserve. Remember this and everyday, all things, are a blessing from God.


Our character and faith is tested when we are at our lowest point. These moments are a good reflection of the strength of our faith. When you were at your lowest, how did you respond: with despair or trust?

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Night Prayer 6-10-2024

Night Prayer 

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.


Nature is a beautiful gift from God; the leaves change during each season just as our faith in the Lord matures throughout our life. Looking back, we see how our relationship with God has strengthened due to troubling storms and droughts. We’ve lost friends, jobs, or loved ones. We’ve experienced financial burden, grief, and bruised egos. Through it all, God has remained present and provided a refuge for our broken hearts. Because of His faithfulness, we have joy and peace; we begin to see the world through His eyes.


Dear God, thank you for Your presence during each season of life. We lift our voices in praise to You for Your love and faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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