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Daily Prayer and Devotion 7-10-2024

Do not go! I will not leave you
David Jacobs

Dealing with death is difficult. It may sound trivial, but I used to have a pet rabbit that I truly loved. It was the first rabbit I had ever been around. I knew nothing about rabbits but quickly learned that they are gentle and loving creatures that make good pets. My rabbit was healthy, happy, and middle-aged when he ate something and died within minutes. I was heartbroken, unable to grasp how quickly my cute rabbit was now just an empty carcass. It was hard to let go.

Elisha was a tenacious prophet of God and loyal friend of Elijah. Elisha knows that Elijah will soon join God in Heaven, but he refuses to leave his side. He stays with Elijah as if they are attached at the hip, hoping that what he knows will happen does not happen. Elijah comforts him by asking what he can do for Elisha, to which Elisha replies, asking for a double portion of Elijah's spirit. There seems to be an assumed "passing of the torch," from Elijah to Elisha, and a few verses later, Elijah is taken by God. Elisha is distraught, but soon realizes that he must let go and that he has a duty, just like Elijah, to continue on his journey.

Elisha lost Elijah; I lost my rabbit. Obviously one pales in comparison to the other, but letting go is never easy. Do not dwell on missing the person or thing that you have lost; instead, be thankful for the time that you had. I can never forget the day I lost my rabbit, and Elisha won't forget losing Elijah. Elisha goes from that day, remembering Elijah, and taking the good from their relationship. I am not trying to compare my loss with his, but whenever I see a rabbit, I think about my pet and am also reminded of the good times. "It is not goodbye, it is see you later."


Almighty God, the alpha and omega, you give and you take away. I pray that you let me have the wisdom to trust your choices, my Lord, not to presume that I know better than you. All I have needed, your hand has provided. My faith is strong in you, and I pray that you strengthen it whenever I am in a state of loss or mourning, as I mourned the passing of your son, Jesus Christ, who died for my sins. Amen.

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Night Prayer 7-10-2024

Night Prayer 

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


We lose sight of the fact that it is still dangerous to follow Jesus today. Many countries around the world actively persecute Christians. Authority figures with power do not like the idea of an omnipotent God with more authority than them, and communities feel Christianity is a direct threat or disrespect to their ancient culture. Christians are harmed for their beliefs and their drive to spread the Word. We will keep one another close to the heart in prayer as our brothers and sisters in Christ face persecution. The Lord sees their struggle and acknowledges their blessed inheritance in the kingdom of God.


Dear Father, please keep our Christian family across the world safe. As they face persecution, we ask that You grant them peace and strengthen their faith as they face obstacles in their walk. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 7-10-2024

Morning Prayer 

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:


Gold and silver become purified by a process known as cupellation, which separates these elements from other impure materials. Paul explains that our faith is more precious than gold and silver; our faith becomes purified by the trials and hardships we experience in our earthly lives. Our spiritual faith is valuable because it gives us the strength to endure struggles through the love of our Lord and Savior and inspires hope amidst a broken world. We call upon the Lord to strengthen our faith in every trial as we grow closer to Him.


Dear Lord, we have faith in Your plan for our lives, and we will lift praises to Your name for Your love and support during all our earthly trials. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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