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Night Prayer 26-10-2024

Night Prayer 

For many are called, but few are chosen.


God humbles us with His everlasting love. He extends an invitation to everyone to be part of His kingdom. Some are too busy or refuse to give up worldly business. Others are simply uninterested or despise our Lord. Few people come but remain unclothed in the salvation of Jesus Christ our Lord. We are all called yet; many will not enter the kingdom of heaven by their choosing. We will continue sharing God's beautiful invitation and provide knowledge concerning the only way to salvation.


Dear God, we know only a few will accept Your invitation for everlasting life; this saddens us. We will use every opportunity to announce Your invitation while explaining Jesus is the way to salvation. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 26-10-2024

Standing in heaven, looking at earth
David Jacobs

I often wondered what I would do if I had a time machine. Perhaps go back and give me some useful advice. Maybe use the knowledge that I had gained and show it to my younger self. Probably use my knowledge to amass a great fortune considering I know what the future holds. Now, what if I was able to view my life on earth from heaven, similar to what Isaiah says in these verses? How would I change my life then? I would already be in heaven, so that is a promising sign. What would you do differently?

I would do all that I could to help others reach heaven. I had reached it, so I would know that my ways were righteous. Isaiah too did all that he could to prophesize and help the people around him to follow in the ways of the Lord. Isaiah knew that God was supreme, ever-present, and all-powerful. God keeps his promises by punishing the wicked, flooding the world, and leading his children to the holy lands of Israel. If you were able ...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 26-10-2024

Morning Prayer 

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?


We must consider the cost of discipleship as we lay down our lives to follow the Lord. Surrendering our spirit includes changing our lifestyle, relationships, and mindset. We no longer focus on earthly things as our mind concentrates on eternal salvation. We are ready to repent our transgressions and move forward by removing the alluring temptations of sin from our lives. In some instances, these changes may cause sorrow, yet, we continue living life with the new heart God has created with us.


Dear Lord, We have invited You into our hearts and are ready to change our mindset. We yearn to be closer to You and live our lives according to Your will and not the worlds. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Night Prayer 25-10-2024

Night Prayer 

The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.


God has loved us from the beginning and always seeks to draw closer to us. His love never changes or falters. His ways are the same today as they were the first day He breathed the breath of life into our earthly bodies. We are His children; He will continue to love us with an everlasting love that surpasses our understanding; He is present in every moment.


Dear God, we are thankful for Your steadfast love. You are the same from beginning to end. We can always look to You for refuge against the world. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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