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Donald J. Trump  News


Thousands of Patriots sing God Bless the USA at a Kid Rock concert.

The mainstream media censored this! Let's make it go VIRAL!

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Haiti to the polls.

They wouldn't do that . . . would they???

Ha. You better believe it!!!

Protect the little ones.
Dr Robert Malon

THIS is the video that got mRNA gene-therapy inventor Dr Robert Malone, banned from Twiitter several days ago.

So you ABSOLUTELY KNOW that what he‘s saying is right over the target.

Watch whole interview 👈

Daily Prayer and Devotion 30-12-2024

What does it mean to be ‘free’?
David Jacobs

The United States of America is called "the land of the free." As someone that has spent the majority of my life living there, I have to say that it is pretty far from the truth. Although the founding fathers in the Revolutionary War times certainly fought to be free from English (as did many other countries against the Imperialists), modern American society is rife with restrictions. There are more lawyers in the city of New York than in all of China, the most populous nation on earth!

Freedom is overrated. There is a great honor in being a loyal and obedient servant, and God handsomely rewards those that are the most obedient: King David, Abraham, Jacob.


To serve the Lord is to serve the people. The laws and word of God are not meant to restrict us, they are meant to help us. If we followed the word of God, the world would improve to an unfathomable degree. Freedom from God is not freedom at all: it is being ...

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 30-12-2024

Morning Prayer 

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God…


When our employment is suddenly terminated, the most natural human reaction is panic, and that is understandable. We might further question how a loving God could let such a thing happen. "I mean, doesn't God know I need….?", etc. The fact is, God does know. So, we find ourselves with the opportunity to have instead a super-natural reaction: Trust. Trust doesn't mean that we're not confused, or sad, or even mad, but it does mean that we understand in our heart of hearts that God sees the big picture, God's got this, and will cause all things to work together for our good, even the loss of a job. Truth.


Lord, I know sometimes stuff just happens, whether it seems right to me or not. Sometimes I honestly don’t know how to deal with that fact.  I am asking You here in this moment to help me trust in Your perspective of my situation, as well as in Your capacity to cause...

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Night Prayer 29-12-2024

Night Prayer 

He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.


You will experience loss and betrayal. There will be times when you feel brokenhearted. We live in a fallen world, so it is expected that we will experience pain and hurt. However, those who believe in the Lord will find relief in him. The Bible tells us he is close to those who are brokenhearted and he saves those who feel crushed in spirit. When you are hurting, call out to Jesus. He is always faithful and he will give you peace.


Dear God, I am brokenhearted. I am overwhelmed with sadness. You understand pain as your son suffered on the cross – be near me, O Lord. But, Father, I know I can call on you and you will give me peace and rest. You see my pain and you will give me the strength I need to overcome this trial. Turn my mourning into gladness, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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