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Daily Prayer and Devotion 2-1-2025

Speak Lord, Your Servant Is Listening
Frances Taylor

The Lord called, "Samuel, Samuel." Samuel didn't recognize the Lord's voice. Now, imagine the Lord calling your name. Would you recognize his voice? I'm sure I have missed it many times in my life. Samuel needed Eli to help him understand what was happening and once he understood, he immediately said yes. In order to hear and understand the Lord's call to us, some things are necessary. First, we need some quiet in our lives. The world is full of noise. Some of this noise is unavoidable – traffic, construction, machinery, etc. – but much of it we inflict upon ourselves. How much time do we spend listening to the radio, the television, video games, idle chatter? In order to hear the Lord, we need to turn away from the noise and turn toward the Word of God. Samuel also needed the help of Eli, a man who had been listening to God's voice for many years and had served the Lord as a priest. Although he was old and had not always been faithful, he could help Samuel know how to respond to the Lord's call. God has put people in our lives to help us in our search for God's voice and sometimes we are called to be help for others. Have you ever heard someone say to you, "That was just what I needed to hear?" Or perhaps it was you who needed someone to say just the right thing to you. Once you do recognize what the Lord is calling you to do, you have two choices, either to respond as Samuel did or think about the difficulties you might encounter, or how you might offend a friend, or think of all the things you need to do first. We choose what to do. We can listen for God's voice or turn away; we can do as the Lord requests, or refuse. God has given us free will, the question is what will we do with it.


Lord, open my ears to hear your voice, open my heart to respond to your call with love and trust. Amen.

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They wouldn't do that . . . would they???

Ha. You better believe it!!!

Protect the little ones.
Dr Robert Malon

THIS is the video that got mRNA gene-therapy inventor Dr Robert Malone, banned from Twiitter several days ago.

So you ABSOLUTELY KNOW that what he‘s saying is right over the target.

Watch whole interview 👈

Night Prayer 4-1-2025

Night Prayer 

Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.


If we say we believe God, but still choose our own way, does our belief mean anything? If we say we trust God but still keep Him out of our decisions, do we really trust Him? If we profess to love God but fail to love our neighbor, is our love for God genuine? Our works will never earn our salvation, but genuine saving faith will compel good works, proving our salvation as the living Spirit works through us.


Lord, I love You, believe You, and trust You. Thank You for calling me to faith and imparting me with salvation and righteousness. Empower me to live in Your righteousness so that my works may testify to Your saving power as my faith carries me past all doubt, fear, and failure. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 4-1-2025

Try Not To Judge
Frances Taylor

Would you choose to go to a doctor that you were friends with in High School? Or you had as a student if you were a teacher? Sometimes we question the abilities of people we know too well. I remember when one of my students joined the police force and I thought about all the trouble he caused! I know a priest whose friends couldn't believe he was "holy" enough. Well, today we read about the call of Levi, Matthew, the tax collector. Although Levi immediately answered the call to follow Jesus, there were a lot of raised eyebrows! Does Jesus know who he's eating with? Doesn't he know these people are sinners? Have you ever caught yourself judging the worthiness of others? I know I sometimes fail in that. But Jesus answers them by stating that he came to call sinners. Do we think that the churches should be filled with saints? Is that what we think we are? Lots of questions in this reflection but sometimes we need a wake-up call and the beginning of ...

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