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Daily Prayer and Devotion 31-1-2025

Morning Prayer 

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.


Here we are told that a Christian, one truly "in Christ, " is a new creature or new "creation" of God. The old life is gone; the new life in Christ has come. And even as God needed no help from us in creating the physical world, he alone brings into being that new state of grace called being in Christ.


Lord, help us to live ever more like the new creatures we are in your Son, Jesus Christ. Being in Christ, we draw our spiritual life from him, but the old nature still causes us to stumble. Prospectively, the old things are as good as gone, but practically, remnants of the old remain, though they are passing away. Sanctify us today with your truth and bring your new creations that much closer to completion. Amen.

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Daily Prayer and Devotion 31-1-2025

All is Vanity
Frances Taylor

Today we have one of my favorite books in the Old Testament – Ecclesiastes! It is second only to Psalms. What are riches? What is so important about having things? Now, I'm not talking about necessities, or even the luxuries that most of us enjoy, but having things, just to have them. Greed is a very dangerous vice that we often don't even recognize in ourselves. Just watch what happens when someone dies and the relatives fight over what they leave, or complain that one person got more than another! This happens in the best of families but it doesn't usually make the papers or the media in the way it does when the person is rich or famous. In Ecclesiastes, this is pointed out rather starkly – no matter what you accumulate on earth, someone else is going to enjoy or waste it in the end. Jesus tells the parable of the rich man who hoards his goods only to die that night. I don't believe that Jesus is telling us not to prepare for the future, but ...

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Night Prayer 30-1-2025

Night Prayer 

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.


Storms can be scary. When we are faced with strong winds and driving rains, we realize how little control we have in these conditions. Yet we serve the God who holds authority over the wind and the rain. With only a word, He calms the storms and delivers peace, whereby we find sanctuary and rest.


Lord God, I am helpless against the storms of life. When the winds of worry and the rains of difficulty come at me, please be my protector. For You are stronger than the wind, and You are above the rain. By Your authority, speak Your peace into my life so that I may be comforted and strengthened by Your presence. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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