Clean or Unclean
Frances Taylor
Mark's gospel continues with a list of those things that make defile the man: evil thoughts, sexual sins, thefts, murders, adulteries, coveting, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride and foolishness.
Take a good look at the list. How many of these evils are now in vogue as opposed to being considered to be sins. The ads we see are designed to make us covet our neighbor's goods, lifestyle and often, his wife. People climb all over others to get to the top in business. Pride makes us think that we deserve more than our share and there's no point in talking about fornication or adultery because we are so past seeing the wrongdoing in either of those. Just listen to the music, watch a movie or television program, not to mention the ads, and we get the picture that this is just normal behavior. Jesus was quite specific in this teaching. Just because everyone is doing it, does that make it right? No wonder our world is in such a mess. Do today's Christians even read the Bible? If so, how do we justify our actions or turn a blind eye to the actions of others? Let us take a good look at what "comes out of us" and make sure that we eliminate anything that defiles us.
Lord, we really need to take a better look at how we live. Let us keep our eyes on you and ask for your help to avoid giving in to temptation. Amen.
Morning Prayer
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
It's our human nature to come up with plans, thoughts, and goals for the future. But we need to realize God is the only one who truly knows what's best for us. When you have plans you would like to make, or actions you need to take about a particular decision, make sure that you go to God first.
Dear God, I commit all my plans, dreams, and aspirations into your hands. These are only products of my thoughts; what I truly want is what you want for me because I know that that is what will truly be best for me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Night Prayer
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
We seek out wise people in our lives because we want to hear what they have to say. But before the wise can speak what they know, they must first learn. And learning comes not from speaking, but from listening. And while there is indeed a time to speak, we never learn from speaking. And so the wise make time to listen, learn and grow, so that they may have wisdom to share when the time to speak comes.
Father, thank You for the wisdom of Your word and Your Spirit. Help me to make time to listen so that I may be continuously learning and always growing. Increase my wisdom so that I may seek to know You better, and so that I may speak with truth and discernment when You lead me to speak. In Jesus’ name, amen.