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Night Prayer 27-3-2025

Night Prayer 

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.


Often it is too easy to want what others have. Particularly when we see others who have built up wealth, comfort, and prestige through dishonest actions that have hurt others. God warns us to set aside such envy. When we covet the things that are attained by evil means, we open ourselves up to the temptation to follow their ways.


Father God, protect my heart from all envy and jealousy. Teach me to not dwell on the riches and comforts of evil men. Turn my attention to the riches of Your kingdom so that I may dwell on heavenly things. Help me to remember how richly blessed I am because of knowing You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Night Prayer 30-3-2025

Night Prayer 

But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?


When Jesus gives us instructions, do we willingly obey, or do we try to negotiate? Do we want to love all of our neighbors, or do we try to select just the ones that are easy to love? We must guard against trying to bend Jesus’ words to fit our will. Instead, we must hear all of His words- even the ones that challenge us- so that we can be prepared to walk in full obedience to Him.


Jesus, You call me to love my neighbor. And I confess that I have not loved all of my neighbors the way that You love me. I’ve looked down on some and shut others out. Please help me to see all people as my neighbors and to love them with Your love, so that I may serve You by serving whoever You place in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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